There are indications that nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits in the superficial layers of the chick tectum (Cajal's layers 1-7) may be transported from the retina. However, nicotinic receptor subunits are detectable by immunohistochemistry in all layers of the optic tectum. In this study, we performed unilateral electrolytic lesions of the lateral spiriform nucleus, which projects to the deep layers of the tectum and contains high amounts of nicotinic receptors in its perikarya. Following lesions of the lateral spiriform nucleus, both the alpha 5 and the beta 2 subunits were markedly depleted in the neuropil of the deep layers of the ipsilateral optic tectum (layers 8-13). No changes were observed in somata that contain either subunit. The present results suggest that most of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits in the chick optic tectum occur in axonal systems and could then constitute presynaptic receptors.