Evacuation of urine in paraplegics without the need for catheters would be possible when voiding could be induced by eliciting a bladder contraction. A challenging option to obtain detrusor contraction is electrical stimulation of the detrusor muscle or its motor nerves. This article reviews the 4 possible stimulation sites where stimulation would result in a detrusor contraction: the bladder wall, the pelvic nerves, the sacral roots, and the spinal cord. With respect to electrode application, sacral root stimulation is most attractive. However, in general, sacral root stimulation results in simultaneous activation of both the detrusor muscle and the urethral sphincter, leading to little or no voiding. Several methods are available to overcome the stimulation-induced detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia and allow urine evacuation. These methods, including poststimulus voiding, fatiguing of the sphincter, blocking pudendal nerve transmission, and selective stimulation techniques that allow selective detrusor activation by sacral root stimulation, are reviewed in this paper.