Adhesion molecules are considered to have an active role in controlling cell differentiation, although the mechanisms involved have yet to be determined. The developing tooth provides an excellent model to use for determining the factors/processes regulating cell differentiation. The studies presented here focused specifically on the timed and spatial expression of a bone-associated adhesion molecule, bone sialoprotein, during tooth root development. Mandibular tissues in the first molar region of CD-1 mice, at sequential stages of development, were analysed by in situ hybridization. The results demonstrate distinct expression of bone sialoprotein in surrounding bone at early stages of tooth development. At stages of active cementogenesis, bone sialoprotein transcripts were specific to cells lining the root surface, with limited expression in the surrounding connective tissue (periodontal ligament) region. The strong expression of bone sialoprotein, a mineral-specific protein having the capacity to act as a nucleator of hydroxyapatite in vitro, by cells lining the root surface at early stages of cementogenesis suggests that this molecule is operative in the cell/matrix events that accompany cementum formation.