In the beginning of the XXth century, Sir Hamilton Bailey proposed the name "Sister Joseph's nodule" for the umbilical metastasis of an abdominal cancer. This unusual pathology has multiple primitive etiologies. We report here the 27th case of an umbilical metastasis of an endometrial adenocarcinoma. In case of a malignant umbilical tumor, 75% correspond to a "Sister Joseph's nodule". Their clinical manifestations are quite similar. This secondary localisation could appear before, during or after the diagnosis of the primitive tumor. Adenocarcinoma is the frequently diagnosed histological type. The endometrial origin represents only 1.4% of the cases. Multiple routes of spread exist. Prognosis remains poor. Medico-surgical treatment, in a curative target, will be aggressive and should be adapted at every case. Our case-report recalls a new patho-physiological approach. The extended follow-up of this patient, without further medical treatment, is an additional argument.