Objectives: Identify the role of cord prolapse in modern obstetrics by estimating the frequency of this obstetrical accident, its conditions, prognosis and treatment and by analyzing factors favoring development of cord prolapse.
Method: From a retrospective study of 50 observations of cord prolapse occurring in the department of obstetrics from January 1985 to June 1994. Results were compared with those reported in the literature.
Results: The frequency of cord prolapse was 0.21% over the 10-year period. Cesarean section was required in 72% of the cases, and obstetrical manoeuvers were used in some of the vaginal deliveries (28%). Neonatal mortality was 20/1000. Predisposing factors were breech presentation, prematurity, twin pregnancy and multiparity.
Conclusion: Despite much progress in obstetrics, the frequency of cord prolapse has not changed over time. The consequences are not as lethal as in the past, because of progress in diagnosis and neonatal resuscitation. Fetal prognosis remains however severe.