Although elevated concentrations of a few cytokines have been shown to be present in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid (BALF) of patients with the acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), the pathogenesis of ARDS is largely unknown. Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a growth factor recently recognised as a polyfunctional cytokine integrated in cytokine networks was measured in unconcentrated BALF of patients from different patient groups. LIF was measured in BALF by means of a specific and sensitive ELISA (detection limit 10 pg/ml) in BALF (lavage of 3 x 50 ml in the right middle lobe). LIF was not detected in the BALF of 13 healthy control patients and in only one (34 pg/ml) out of 25 patients at risk for ARDS (after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery) who underwent BAL 4 h after the end of the extracorporeal circulation. High and detectable levels were found in the unconcentrated BALF of 10 out of 12 patients with full-blown ARDS (212 +/- 116, mean +/- SEM, range 10-985 pg/ml). There was a good correlation between the level of LIF in the BALF and a number of markers of inflammation such as neutrophils/ml, albumin and protein levels. The biological role of LIF in these BALFs is not readily explained by its currently known actions and it is unknown whether LIF contributes to or is a response to local tissue damage. Our results indicate that this cytokine is part of the inflammatory cytokine cascade in ARDS.