Preliminary data have shown that IL-6 may act as an autocrine growth factor to control proliferation. We further characterised the role of IL-6 in tumour growth as an autocrine/paracrine growth factor in neuroectodermal tumours. We evaluated the production and secretion of IL-6 by seven human melanoma, five neuroblastoma and one glioblastoma cell lines. Moreover, we determined their IL-6-dependent growth in serum free-medium or under minimal growth-supplement conditions: IL-6 dependent growth was observed in two non-IL-6 producing melanoma and in one neuroblastoma cell lines. In addition, expression of IL-6 mRNA and peptide was increased by retinoic acid. The data support the hypothesis that IL-6 contributes to neuroectodermal tumour growth, even though it shows a less potent effect than other reported growth factor such as IGF-II.