Proteolysis of corneodesmosin, a 52- to 56-kDa basic protein located in the extracellular part of the modified desmosomes (corneodesmosomes) of human cornified epithelia, is thought to be a key event of desquamation. Three monoclonal antibodies specific for human corneodesmosin were used to search for the expression of the protein in other mammals. Cryosections of pig, guinea pig, rat, and mouse cornified tissues and proteins sequentially extracted from the corresponding epithelia were analyzed by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting, respectively. Two of the antibodies (F28-27 and B17-21) showed, on the epidermis of the four species and on the cornified epithelia of the rat tongue and esophagus, the same labeling as on human epidermis. Cytoplasmic in the lower granular layer, then pericellular microgranular, the labeling progressively disappeared in the lower cornified layer. By contrast, it persisted up to the surface in the rat tail epidermis. The two antibodies immunodetected basic proteins extracted with isotonic buffer from the epidermis of the pig (50 kDa), guinea pig (52 kDa), and mouse (75 kDa) and from the cornified epithelia of the rat (75 kDa). Immunoreactive proteins of lower Mr were also extracted partly with urea and partly with a reducing agent. The third antibody (G36-19) presented the same reactivities except on murine tissues, where it was unreactive. Our results show that the location, the biochemical characteristics, and the processing of corneodesmosin are similar in five mammals, including humans, suggesting an important role for this protein. They open the way to studies of its function in desquamation using various animal models.