Laparoscopic surgery is currently the preferred diagnostic and treatment modality for ectopic pregnancy (EP). Cornual pregnancy, a rare and dangerous form of EP, is usually treated by cornual resection or hysterectomy. We report the first case to be treated by laparoscopic surgery. A 27 year old, gravida 3 para 2, was diagnosed with a nine week right cornual pregnancy. Laparoscopy revealed a 3 x 4 cm bulge into the right cornual area. Both fallopian tubes were otherwise normal. The uterus was fixed by a grasping forceps and the right tube and ovarian ligament were coagulated to reduce the blood supply. The gestational area was entered via a 1 cm incision using unipolar scissors and electrocoagulation. The pregnancy contents were suctioned; cavity margins and placental bed were coagulated until hemostasis was secured. The uterus contracted. The posterior leaf of the broad ligament was flapped over the incision site and attached by coagulation points. Postoperative course was uneventful. A hysterosalpingogram performed 4 months post surgery revealed a normal uterine cavity and blocked right tube.