This report documents the occurrence of a nephrotic syndrome in five children with Hodgkin disease. In two cases the nephrotic syndrome predated the diagnosis of lymphoma by 6 months and 12 months respectively, while in the other three, the two disorders occurred simultaneously. The nephrotic syndrome resolved in four cases during effective treatment for active Hodgkin disease, while proteinuria remained unchanged in the fifth case with partial control of the lymphoma. The occurrence of a nephrotic syndrome as a manifestation of active Hodgkin disease suggests that some immunological abnormalities play a role in the pathogenesis of the association.
Conclusion: The possibility of glomerular dysfunction although rare must be considered and actively looked for in all cases of Hodgkin disease. Similarly, any unusual sign or symptom noted in patients with nephrotic syndrome, particularly receiving or having received immunosuppressants, requires thorough investigation to determine the presence or absence of lymphoma.