The purposes of this study were to extend the investigation of age-related increases in brain iron to a younger age group, replicate previously published results, and further evaluate the validity of a novel noninvasive magnetic resonance (MR) method for measuring tissue iron (ferritin) levels with specificity. The method consists of measuring the dependence of tissue transverse relaxation rates (R2) on the field strength of MR instruments. Two MR instruments operating at 1.5 and 0.5 T were used to measure the field-dependent R2 increase (FDRI) in the frontal white matter, caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus. A group of 13 normal adult males (ages 21-77), with seven subjects below and six above age 35, was examined. As expected from postmortem and prior FDRI data, robust and significant age-related increases in FDRI were observed in the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus, with the globus pallidus FDRI increasing sharply in the second decade and reaching a plateau after age 30. In addition, we replicated previous reports showing very high correlations between FDRI and published brain iron levels for the four regions examined. The data replicate and extend previous FDRI observations on brain aging and are consistent with postmortem data on age-related increases in brain iron. These results are relevant to the investigation of age-related neurodegenerative diseases in which iron may catalyze toxic free radical reactions.