The three interferon-alpha2 (IFN-alpha2) sequences identified to date differ from each other in just two nucleotide positions, both of which result in changes in amino acids. Thus, the mature IFN-alpha2a protein product is characterized by a lysine residue at position 23 (AAA) and a histidine at position 34 (CAA), IFN-alpha2b has an arginine at position 23 (AGA) and histidine at position 34 (CAT), and IFN-alpha2c has arginine residues at both positions 23 (AGA) and 34 (CGT). These nucleotide variations in the DNA sequence can be distinguished by selective restriction enzyme analysis. We studied the distributions of the three IFN-alpha2 variants by analyzing chromosomal DNA from 103 Japanese volunteers and 33 patients with hematologic disorders. Fragments of 238 bp and 617 bp of the IFN-alpha2 gene containing codons 23 and 34 were amplified by PCR using specific primers, and the PCR products were analyzed with specific restriction nucleases to identify the IFN-alpha2 variant sequences. Only IFN-alpha2b gene was detected in normal volunteers, and no IFN-alpha2a gene was detected in Japanese subjects. However, IFN-alpha2c was detected in 4 of 33 (12.1%) patients with leukemia.