The effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on whole body-induced tumorigenesis was assayed in mice fed on essential fatty acid sufficient (EFAS) or essential fatty acid deficient (EFAD) diets following cobalt-60 irradiation. Four groups of mice were maintained, one on a control stock diet and three on experimental diets: a) without added fat (fat free, FF); b) containing 5% olein (O), rich in n-9; and c) containing 5% corn oil, rich in n-6 EFA (CO). Only mice fed on FF or O diets showed clinical and biochemical signs of EFAD. Total incidence of tumors showed an increase in FF (P < 0.02) and O (P < 0.03) mice. Tumors developed mostly in the liver in each of the EFAD groups (P < 0.001). Slight promoting activity on lung tumorigenesis was recorded in the CO group when this parameter was compared in EFAD and EFA sufficient mice. It may be concluded that, when a tumor initiator injures the body as a whole, EFAD, achieved either through a fat-free or an oleic-supplemented diet, behaves as a general promoting condition for tumorigenesis. The borderline tumorigenic effect of n-6 corn oil on the lungs suggests that this effect, when present, is target specific.