Objective: To evaluate the prognosis of prenatally diagnosed gastroschisis.
Study design: In a retrospective study, we analyzed the clinical and echographic data of gastroschisis. These data were correlated with fetal outcome including delivery, surgical procedure, follow-up in the neonatal intensive-case unit and in the gastropediatric unit.
Result: Twenty cases were analyzed. The overall survival rate was 85%. Classical criteria were analyzed (maximal bowel dilatation, thickening of bowel wall). Fetuses with both severe perivisceritis and meconium-stained amniotic fluid were born earlier than fetuses with mild perivisceritis and normal amniotic fluid (p < 0.01).
Conclusion: Our data suggest that an inflammatory response could follow bowel exposure to amniotic fluid. This response could lead to perivisceritis and premature birth. This hypothesis is currently under investigation.