A 63-year-old stoneworker complained of fever and a productive cough. His chest roentgenogram showed a nodular mass and a diffuse interstitial shadow in the right lung. Angiography of the pulmonary artery revealed obstruction of the right upper trunk. Open-lung biopsy was done. Histologic examination showed mixed-dust pneumoconiosis with a massive focus of mixed-dust fibrosis with silicotic nodules, and diffuse interstitial fibrosis of pattern with lymphoid infiltration. Chemical analysis revealed a high content of aluminum in lymph node, which was thought to be due to inhalation of alumina used for lettering stones. The unilateral interstitial pneumonia was thought to have developed due to deposition of free silica and aluminum dust. Although this patient had been given a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and the value of rheumatoid factor was high, the interstitial pneumonia was not believed to be associated with the collagen vascular disease.