Suture anchors have simplified anterior capsule labral reconstruction. During rehabilitation the shoulder goes through many repetitions of range of motion exercises. These exercises will repetitively submaximally load the anchor and in theory should reduce the pullout strength of the suture anchor. No published reports exist on the fatigue strengths and properties of one of the most commonly used anchors: Mitek GII suture anchors. Fifty trials of cyclic submaximal load were done on 22 cadaveric glenoids with an average age of 66.8 years (range, 40 to 90 years). At two to three different sites on the same specimen, the anchors were inserted according to manufacturer's specifications. The anchors were tested to failure on a Instron 1331 servohydraulic mechanical testing system at 2 Hertz sinusoidal loading pattern using steel sutures and a predetermined load. There were 22 (44%) tests performed in the superior quadrant and 28 (56%) tests in the inferior quadrant. All anchors pulled out, and no wires broke. There were statistically significant differences between the superior and inferior portion of the glenoid with regard to number of cycles to failure at a given maximum load. The anchors underwent an average of 6,220 cycles before pullout at an average load of 162 N (SD = 73 N). In the superior quadrant, the average ultimate pullout strength was 237 N (SD = 42 N), whereas in the inferior quadrant the average ultimate pullout strength was 126 N (SD = 36 N). Hence, the ultimate pullout strength of the Mitek GII anchor was significantly higher (P < .002) in the superior quadrant than in the inferior quadrant. Using a least squares regression analysis, it was possible to predict the fatigue life of the superiorly and inferiorly placed suture anchors over a wide range of cycles. The R-squared values for trendlines showed good reliability (superior R2 = 0.55; inferior R2 = 0.28). The fatigue life curves for the two different quadrants were normalized using the ultimate pullout strength. This new, universal curve predicts the fatigue life of the Mitek GII anchor as a percentage of the ultimate pullout strength for any selected location. For a clinically relevant number of cycles, no more than approximately 40% to 50% of the ultimate pullout strength of the suture anchor can be cyclically applied to the anchor to guarantee a life for the duration of rehabilitation. For the entire system, the inferiorly placed anchors dictate the amount of cyclically applied load the system can experience without failing, and rehabilitation should be adjusted accordingly.