Purpose: The accuracy and reproducibility of morphometric measurements (Morphometric X-ray Absorptiometry = MXA) of vertebrae were determined. The significant difference of the change in height of vertebral bodies in follow-up studies was computed for MXA methods and digitised spinal radiographs as well.
Material and methods: The measurements were carried out on two new Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) devices (device A = Expert, Lunar Corp., device B = QDR 2000 Plus, Hologic Inc.). The data were obtained by using the European Spine Phantom (ESP) and lumbar spine specimens.
Results: The accuracy of vertebral morphometry performed on radiographs is 2.0%, on the device A 2.3%, and on the device B 4.9%. Measurements taken with the ESP showed a reproducibility of 1.0 to 3.0%, whereas measurements of fractured vertebrae resulted in 5.1 to 6.0%.
Conclusion: The results of the morphometric measurements demonstrate that a reliable fracture analysis in phantoms and specimens is possible. Further in-vivo studies are necessary.