Background: The association between polyarteritis nodosa and viral hepatitis B infection is well established and still remains a therapeutic challenge. Famciclovir--a new nucleoside analog--has a broad spectrum of antiviral activity against herpes viruses and the human hepatitis B virus.
Case report: A 56-year-old man with hepatitis B-related polyarteritis nodosa presented with symptoms correlating to high levels of HBV DNA. The patient did not respond to treatment with steroids (prednisolone started with 100 mg daily) and two courses of interferon alfa-2b (5 x 10(6) units 3 times per week for 6 months). Therefore, a combination therapy of interferon alfa-2b (5 x 10(6) units 3 times per week) and famciclovir (500 mg tid, orally) was started; 5 mg daily prednisolone was given at this time. Under this regimen HBV DNA rapidly declined, with a reduction of 79% after the first week (HBV DNA 53 pg/ml), and 88% after the second week (29 pg/ml), accompanied by a significant improvement in clinical symptoms. After 1 year of famciclovir treatment, HBeAg-anti-HBe seroconversion was noted; HBsAg still remained positive. Long-term famciclovir therapy has been continued at a reduced dose of 125 mg tid for 3 years now. HBV DNA values have been stable below 100 pg/ml, transaminases have normalized and clinical symptoms of polyarteritis nodosa have disappeared.
Conclusions: Famciclovir has been successfully administered to a patient with hepatitis B-related polyarteritis nodosa. A reduction in viral replication and an improvement of symptoms were noted within 4 weeks of starting famciclovir. The oral nucleoside analog famciclovir is effective and well tolerated, even in long-term therapy, and might offer new treatment options in immunosuppressed patients for whom hepatitis B replication is critical for the disease process.