Calculation of global cardiac function parameters has been validated using fast, segmented k-space, breath-hold, gradient-echo, magnetic resonance images. Images of phantoms, experimental animals, normal volunteers, and patients were acquired with a 1.5 T clinical scanner. Humans were imaged using two phased-array surface coils in multicoil mode. Myocardial contours were extracted using a new interactive, semi-automated method based on the active contour model method. Images were acquired in the short-axis orientation, and, using a new imaging and analysis strategy, in rotating plane long-axis orientations, to provide better definition of the valve planes and the apex, and also to reduce the number of slices (compared with the short-axis method) required to sample the whole heart. Validation was accomplished through calculation of the volumes of phantoms and left and right ventricular masses of animal hearts. Functional parameters from MRI were compared with those from echocardiograms and radionuclide angiograms in normal volunteers and patients, respectively.