Purpose: To describe short-term complications during stent placement for atherosclerotic renal artery ostial stenosis.
Methods: Sixty-one arteries in 50 patients were treated with Palmaz stents. Nineteen patients had a single functioning kidney, 23 had a bilateral stenosis, which was stented bilaterally in 11, and 8 had a unilateral stenosis. The complications were grouped as those related to the catheterization procedure, those related to stent placement, and those possibly related to either category. The complications were divided into those with severe clinical significance (SCS), those with minor clinical significance (MCS), and radiological-technical complications (RTC). The stent placement procedures were ordered chronologically according to examination date and the complications were tabulated per group of 10 patients.
Results: Five (10%) SCS, 5 (10%) MCS, and 8 (16%) RTC occurred in 50 patients. The catheterization procedure led to 2 SCS, 3 MCS, and 1 RTC. Stent placement gave rise to 7 RTC. Three SCS and 2 MCS could have been related to either catheterization or stent placement. More SCS occurred in the first group of 10 patients than in the following groups.
Conclusion: Renal artery stent placement for atherosclerotic ostial stenosis has a considerable complication rate and a learning curve is present. The complications related to the actual stent placement were without clinical consequences.