Interictal spikes on intraoperative electrocorticography during epilepsy are used to tailor resections. There have been a few systematic quantitative studies of anesthetic effects on these interictal discharges, and none on the effects of nitrous oxide (N2O). We calculated spike rates on ECoG on and off N2O in 18 epilepsy surgery patients with subdural strips and grids, analyzing the most active recording contract. In a blinded analyses ten patients had fewer spikes on N2O, while eight patients had more spikes on N2O. The mean spike rates did not differ (41/min on N2O and 40/min off N2O). Spike rate on and off N2O were compared using the non-parametric Wilcoxon matched pairs test. These rates were not significantly different. Our study indicates that N2O in doses employed dose not effect interictal spikes and this agent may be used during epilepsy surgery without concerns about suppression of epileptiform activity.