The prevalence of epidermolysis bullosa (EB) in Britain and most other countries is unknown. Patients suffering from the inherited forms of EB and living in Scotland have been traced. Two hundred and fifty-nine affected people from 76 families have been identified, of whom 211 were clinically assessed. One-third of these Scottish EB sufferers had never been seen by a dermatologist. In Lothian, where there appears to be a relatively high prevalence of EB, 75% of patients were unknown to their general practitioners. The point prevalence of all forms of EB at the outset of the study was 49.0 per million, comprising EB simplex 28.6 per million and dystrophic EB 20.4 per million. Extrapolation of accurate data available for the Lothians suggests that the point prevalence of all forms of EB in Scotland is in excess of these figures.