Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is a physiological regulator of thyroid epithelial cell growth and differentiation. This factor signals through a heteromeric complex composed of type I (TGF-beta receptor type I) and type II [TGF-beta receptor type II (TbetaRII)] receptors. Loss of TbetaRII expression has been related to resistance to TGF-beta inhibition of cell proliferation. In the present work, we analyzed the TbetaRII expression in a series of human thyroid tumors, from benign lesions (adenomas) to neoplastic lesions of increasing aggressiveness (papillary and follicular carcinomas) up to the extremely aggressive anaplastic tumors. Results obtained indicated a clear reduced expression of TbetaRII mRNA only in the group of thyroid carcinomas when compared with their relative normal tissues. Immunohistochemical analyses with specific anti-TbetaRII antibodies confirm these observations. These data indicate that loss of expression of TbetaRII can contribute to thyroid cancer progression, inducing cancer cells to escape the growth-inhibitory effect of TGF-beta.