The authors compared the CERAD Behavior Rating Scale for Dementia (CBRSD) with the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) for their ability to detect behavioral symptoms in community-dwelling dementia patients with mild-to-moderate global impairment. Both instruments were administered to caregivers of 33 cognitively impaired patients seen in a dementia clinic at initial evaluation or follow-up visit. Endorsement of a higher percentage of items on the CBRSD than the CMAI suggests greater sensitivity of this instrument to the behavioral symptoms seen in community-dwelling patients. There was good correlation between the number of items endorsed on both scales but not between subscales of the CMAI and factors of the CBRSD that appeared related to agitation. Thus, the CBRSD and CMAI both seem to measure behaviors that occur in dementia patients, but the CBRSD's two agitation-related factors do not appear to measure agitation as defined by the CMAI.