Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry is governed by the interaction of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) with its receptor. The HIV-1 receptor is composed of two molecules, the CD4 binding receptor and a coreceptor. The seven-membrane-spanning chemokine receptor CCR-5 is one of the coreceptors used by primary isolates of HIV-1. We demonstrate that the mouse homolog of CCR-5 (mCCR-5) does not function as an HIV-1 coreceptor. A set of chimeras of human CCR-5 and mCCR-5 was studied for Env-induced cell fusion and HIV-1 infection. Using the HIV-1ADA envelope glycoprotein in a syncytium formation assay, we show that replacement of any fragment containing extracellular domains of mCCR-5 by its human counterparts is sufficient to allow Env-induced fusion. Conversely, replacement of any fragment containing human extracellular domains by its murine counterpart did not lead to coreceptor function loss. These results show that several domains of CCR-5 participate in coreceptor function. In addition, using a panel of primary nonsyncytium-inducing and syncytium-inducing isolates that use CCR-5 or both CXCR-4 and CCR-5 as coreceptors, we show that the latter dual-tropic isolates are less tolerant to changes in CCR-5 than strains with a more restricted coreceptor use. Thus, different strains are likely to have different ways of interacting with the CCR-5 coreceptor.