The major novel findings described and reviewed in the present study have all been demonstrated in the C2 module, which is formed by the rostral medial accessory olive, posterior interposed nucleus of the cerebellum, and zone C2. We show (1) that expression of dendritic lamellar bodies and dendrodendritic gap junctions in the rostral medial accessory olive are both down regulated by removal of the GABAergic input from the posterior interposed nucleus of the cerebellum to electrotonically coupled olivary dendrites; (2) that the high density of dendritic lamellar bodies in the rostral medial accessory olive can be correlated with a relatively high level of CS synchrony in the C2 zone of the flocculus; and (3) that the C2 zone of the flocculus is involved in head movements and probably gaze control. These results support the hypothesis that dendritic lamellar bodies are associated with dendrodentritic gap junctions, and they suggest that appropriate executions of compensatory head and eye movements require particular levels of complex spike synchrony in the flocculus.