Neospora sp. can cause fetal abortion or neurological disease in congenitally infected calves. Latent tissue stages in infected cows may contribute to vertical transmission of Neospora sp. from dam to offspring in multiple pregnancies. In this investigation, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Neospora-specific assay were employed to detect Neospora sp. by amplification of nuclear small-subunit rRNA gene sequences in infected cattle tissues. Tissues from 11 cattle, including 6 experimentally and 2 naturally infected cows, 1 naturally infected newborn calf, and 2 uninfected control cows, were evaluated in this study. Neospora-specific PCR products were amplified from DNAs of different bovine tissues, including brain, spinal cord, heart, lung, kidney, diaphragm, skeletal muscle, and placenta, as well as amniotic fluid samples of infected cattle. The PCR-based amplification and probe hybridization system proved useful in assessing the location of tissue-stage parasites in naturally and experimentally infected cattle, even when Neospora sp. antibody titers fall below normal cut-off values by an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test.