Lauren's intestinal type of gastric cancer was proposed to be dependent on long-term environmental factors and is always preceded by chronic premalignant change. A cohort study was performed and demonstrated an increased cancer risk of gastric remnant after gastric surgery for benign disease. It is generally believed that after gastrectomy the residual stomach has an environmental change and, thus, enters a neoplastic process. Based on the carcinogenic theory of intestinal-type tumour, it would be of interest to know whether the intestinal-type tumour is more common in gastric remnant cancer. Forty patients with gastric remnant cancer had gastrectomy in the Veterans General Hospital-Taipei. Another 683 patients with primary gastric carcinoma underwent resection and were used as controls. The clinical characteristics, tumour stage and intestinal-type tumour were analysed in gastric remnant cancer and were compared with the various portions of primary gastric carcinoma. Although the overall distribution of intestinal-type carcinoma in gastric remnant (45%) was no different to that of any other portion of stomach cancer, intestinal-type carcinoma was more common in the early stage of gastric remnant (73%) and distal stomach (73%), but not in the proximal stomach (50%), which was supposed to have the same characteristics as the gastric remnant because of identical anatomic location. More than expected, intestinal-type carcinoma in early gastric remnant cancer together with a long incubation interval between primary surgery and later tumour occurrence were compatible with the theory of carcinogenesis of intestinal-type carcinoma.