A transcription map of a 1200-kb region encompassing the MEN1 locus was constructed by direct cDNA selection and mapping ESTs. A total of 29 genes were mapped. Ten transcripts were identified by cDNA selection of a focused 300-kb genomic region telomeric to the MEN1 consensus region. Since many of the sequences cloned by cDNA selection also identified ESTs from the region, 19 additional RH-mapped ESTs were mapped to the entire contig region by PCR amplification of genomic clones. Nine known genes, 2 putative human homologues to mouse genes, and 18 novel transcripts map to the region. Transcripts that map to the MEN1 interval PYGM-D11S449 include SGC35223, IB1256, AA147620, ZFM1, FAU, and CAPN1. The latter 3 known genes have already been excluded as candidate MEN1 genes. The 2 putative human homologues of mouse genes Ltbp2 and Spa-1 may be candidate tumor suppressor genes, but they map telomeric to D11S449. Although both of these genes map outside the MEN1 consensus region they may play a role in sporadic endocrine tumors independent of the MEN1 gene or in other tumors, such as breast cancer, that have loss of heterozygosity within this region.