We previously found that interferon alpha2 recombinant (IFNalpha) increases the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) in the human epidermoid cancer KB cell line. Here we report the effects of IFNalpha and epidermal growth factor (EGF) on KB cell cycle kinetics. IFNalpha (1000 i.u./ml) for 48 h decreased the S-phase fraction and diminished the expression of Ki67 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen on KB cells. Incubation of IFNalpha-treated KB cells with 10 nM EGF for 12 h reversed these effects. We then studied several biochemical markers of cell proliferation. Ornithine decarboxylase activity was decreased to about one-tenth by IFNalpha and partly restored by EGF. Hypusine is contained only in eukaryotic initiation factor 5A and its levels are correlated with cell proliferation. IFNalpha decreased hypusine synthesis by 75%; exposure of cells to EGF for 12 h restored hypusine synthesis almost completely. We also studied the effects of IFNalpha on the cytotoxicity of the recombinant toxin TP40, which inhibits elongation factor 2 through EGF-R binding and internalization. IFNalpha greatly enhanced the TP40-induced inhibition of protein synthesis in KB cells. In conclusion, IFNalpha, which affects protein synthesis machinery and increases EGF-R expression, enhances the tumoricidal activity of TP40 and hence could be useful in the setting of anti-cancer therapy.