Interferon is indicated in chronic infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV), however, cirrhosis has been reported as a bad response factor to the therapy. Fifteen cirrhotic patients with HCV, undergoing treatment with recombinant interferon-alpha, ribavirin and/or ursodeoxycholic acid were studied. They were followed-up and evaluated with dosages of alanine aminotransferase and HCV RNA investigation by PCR technique. Of the 15 cirrhotic patients, seven were negative for HCV RNA after antiviral treatment, however ALT was normal in only three of them. Of the eight patients who were not negative, two had normal ALT. Biochemical-virological discrepancy in the follow-up of the patients after antiviral treatment observed in this study has also been reported by other authors. These reports show that the criteria for response to the treatment is to be established.