Gangliosides were found to be present in Entamoeba histolytica. They were extracted from lyophilized trophozoites of the pathogenic strain HM-1:IMSS and purified by high performance thin-layer chromatography. Two resorcinol-positive bands, comigrating with GM2 and GD1a were demonstrated, revealing the existence of ganglioside molecules in Entamoeba histolytica. The GM2 content, determined as lipid-bound sialic acid, was 1.5 micrograms/10(8) amoebae, the content of the GD1a comigrating band was 0.32 microgram/10(8) amoebae. The identity of the GM2 comigrating band was confirmed by TLC immunostaining, using the monoclonal anti-GM2 antibody GMB28. Furthermore, six out of ten anti-amoeba positive sera selectively reacted with the GM2 comigrating band, as revealed by immunostaining on TLC plates. Absorption tests revealed that preincubation of anti-amoeba positive sera with standard GM2 was followed by a significant decrease in the reaction with amoeba trophozoites by indirect immunofluorescence. These results demonstrate that a GM2 comigrating component of Entamoeba histolytica may be one of the antigens responsible for the appearance of circulating antibodies in patients with amoebiasis.