We examined by light and electron microscopy study a Leeds-Keio ligament removed from a patient 6 years and 4 months after implant following rupture. The new ligament presented an outer capsule made up of bundles of collagen fibres running mainly perpendicular to the long axis of the ligament. Septa were seen emerging from the capsule and composed of bundles of collagen fibres surrounding the bundles of Dacron fibres. Each thread of Dacron was surrounded by a layer of connective tissue containing periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive cells. The bundles of collagen fibres making up the outer capsule, the septa and the layer of connective tissue surrounding the Dacron threads were positive for anti-type I collagen antibody. The rehabitated Leeds-Keio ligament presented a specific organization at the septa zone, showing a layer of collagen fibrils alternating with a layer of cells. Our remodelling findings suggest a shoelace effect of the artificial ligament. On the other hand, the presence of type I collagen could be responsible for the good functional behaviour of this composite system. In conclusion, the factors that play an important role in determining this remodelling process and its mechanical function are unknown.