A sodium dodecyl (lauryl) sulfate method was evaluated for the preparation of blood specimens and bone marrow aspirates for use in two amplification procedures (Gen-Probe Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct Test [AMTDT] and Roche Amplicor M. avium/M. intracellulare [MAI] Test) for the detection and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. avium and M. intracellulare, respectively. The AMTDT is based on amplification of rRNA, whereas the Amplicor MAI Test amplifies a specific DNA region of the 16S rRNA gene. The results of amplification techniques were compared with those of standard culture and culture in BACTEC 13A and BACTEC 12B liquid media. A total of 121 blood specimens and 15 bone marrow aspirates were collected from 136 AIDS patients. Mycobacterial growth was recovered for 103 specimens; 35 yielded M. tuberculosis, 62 yielded M. avium, 5 yielded M. genavense, and 1 yielded M. kansasii. The values of sensitivity and specificity in pretreated specimens for detection of M. tuberculosis by the AMTDT were 94.3 and 100%, respectively, and those for detection of M. avium by the Amplicor MAI Test were 91.9 and 100%, respectively. The simple lysis method described in the present work allows the recovery of mycobacteria from blood specimens and bone marrow aspirates and may be used in combination with the AMTDT and the Amplicor MAI Test to detect and identify different members of the genus Mycobacterium. This method might also be applicable for the identification of mycobacteria from blood culture fluids with acridinium-ester-labeled DNA probes.