The subunit composition of cell-internal and surface prosomes during phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced differentiation of human leukemic T lymphocytes (CCRF-CEM cell line) was studied in relation to clusters of differentiation (CD) markers. PMA inhibited cell growth and decreased the amounts of CD1a and CD4 while CD3, CD8, CD25, CD45, CD57 and MHCI increased it; the p53 anti-oncogene increased while actin levels remained constant. Cells incubated with the inducer PMA for 3 days and placed in fresh inhibitor-free medium resumed growth at a low rate, while the CD values slowly reverted to those of the initial phenotype. The presence and relative amounts of prosome subunits were analyzed by flow cytometry, light and fluorescent microscopy and Western blotting using 3 monoclonal antibodies (p25K, p27K and p30-33K MAbs). The decrease in cytoplasmic antigens on day 3 was remarkable (cells followed for 7 days) while increased surface antigens were observed. Changes in the subcellular distributions of prosome antigens, particularly the p25K and p30-33K subunit, were correlated with a partial arrest of the cell cycle. Interestingly, the composition of cell internal and surface prosomes showed different patterns of change.