The aneuploid with isochromosome or telochromosome is ideal material for exploring the position of centromere in lingkage map. For obtaining these aneuploids in rice, the primary trisomics from triplo-1 to triplo-12 and the aneuploids derived from a triploid of indica rice variety Zhongxian 3037 were carefully investigated. From the offsprings of triplo-10, a primary trisomic of chromosome 10 of the variety, an isotetrasomic "triplo-10-1" was obtained. Cytological investigation revealed that a pair of extra isochromosomes of triplo-10-1 were come from the short arm of chromosome 10. In the offsprings of the isotetrasomic, a secondary trisomic "triplo-10-2", in which the extra- chromosome was an isochromosome derived from the short arm of chromosome 10, was identified. With the isotetrasomic, secondary trisomic, primary trisomic and diploid of variety Zhongxian 3037, different molecular markers were used for exploring the position of the centromere of chromosome 10. Based on the DNA dosage effect, it was verified that the molecular markers G1125, G333 and L169 were located on the short arm, G1084 and other 16 available molecular markers were on the long arm of chromosome 10. So the centromere of chromosome 10 was located somewhere between G1125 and G1084 according to the RFLP linkage map given by Kurata et al[1]. The distance from G1125 to G1084 was about 3.2 cM.