Exercise training increases contraction-stimulated maximal glucose transport and muscle glycogen level in skeletal muscle. However, there is a possibility that more muscle contractions are required to maximally activate glucose transport in trained than in untrained muscle, because increased glycogen level after training may inhibit glucose transport. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the increase in glucose transport and the number of tetanic contractions in trained and untrained muscle. Male rats swam 2 h/day for 15 days. In untrained epitrochlearis muscle, resting glycogen was 26.6 micromol glucose/g muscle. Ten, 10-s-long tetani at a rate of 1 contraction/min decreased glycogen level to 15.4 micromol glucose/g muscle and maximally increased 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) transport. Training increased contraction-stimulated maximal 2-DG transport (+71%; P < 0.01), GLUT-4 protein content (+78%; P < 0.01), and resting glycogen level (to 39.3 micromol glucose/g muscle; P < 0.01) on the next day after the training ended, although this training effect might be due, at least in part, to last bout of exercise. In trained muscle, 20 tetani were necessary to maximally activate glucose transport. Twenty tetani decreased muscle glycogen to a lower level than 10 tetani (18.9 vs. 24.0 micromol glucose/g muscle; P < 0.01). Contraction-stimulated 2-DG transport was negatively correlated with postcontraction muscle glycogen level in trained (r = -0.60; P < 0.01) and untrained muscle (r = -0.57; P < 0.01).