History and clinical findings: A patient who returned from a 3-year stay in Thailand and India one year ago, was admitted with fever of 38.5 degrees C and productive cough for the last four weeks. He remembered wounding his foot three years ago in India with contamination by soil. Subsequently, recurrent pustulae appeared on his feet. One such pustule was found on admittance. The clinical examination showed low body weight, without further abnormalities.
Investigations: The blood examinations revealed high inflammation parameters and ruled out any immunodeficiency. Smouldering infiltrates in the upper lobes were found on the chest radiography. Sputum was free of acid fast bacilli and no mycobacterial DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction. Bronchoscopy showed a normal endobronchal situation, Burkholderia pseudomallei were found to grow from specimens of bronchial mucus.
Treatment and course: Under the empirical treatment with ampicillin/sulbactam, we could not find any response. After switching to Ceftazidime and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazol (TMP/SMZ) we observed quick clinical improvement and normalisation of the inflammation parameters and notable radiological response over three weeks. We continued a five months TMP/SMZ therapy after discharge in order to prevent relapses.
Conclusion: For travellers and immigrants from Southeast Asia presenting smouldering infiltrations of the upper lobes, one should include Melioidosis in the differential diagnosis.