A palpable mass was unexpectedly found in the upper abdomen of a 67-year-old woman. Computed tomography (CT) and abdominal angiography both indicated an aneurysm of the right gastroepiploic artery. An aneurysmectomy was performed, and the aneurysm was found to be spherical with a diameter of 7.5 x 7.7 cm. The patient was eventually discharged in good condition. The histological findings of the aneurysmal wall revealed medial fibrosis and atherosclerosis. Gastroepiploic artery aneurysms are rare among splanchnic artery aneurysms and most such aneurysms are found to be ruptured. The present report described a quite rare case of an asymptomatic giant gastroepiploic artery aneurysm and also includes a review of the 10 reported cases of gastroepiploic artery aneurysms in the English literature to date. Since gastroepiploic artery aneurysms have a high risk of rupture it is essential that appropriate surgical measures be taken immediately.