Cyclin D1 (CCND1) and retinoblastoma (Rb) genes are cell cycle regulators which are altered in some breast carcinomas. However, the possible cooperation between CCND1 and Rb, as well as the influence and coincidence of their abnormalities in the proliferative capacity of mammary carcinoma cells in vivo, is still unknown. In order to assess both the significance of the CCND1 gene and Rb alterations in breast carcinomas and their relationship with the proliferative capacity of the tumours and other clinico-pathological factors, CCND1 mRNA expression was studied in 46 cases of primary breast carcinomas and matched normal tissue, 45 of which were also studied immunohistochemically, Rb expression was analysed in the same cases by immunohistochemistry, whereas the proliferative activity of the carcinoma was evaluated by flow cytometry. CCND1 mRNA was overexpressed in 19 tumours (41 per cent). Sixteen cases showed diffuse immunohistochemical expression, ten carcinomas had few positive cells, and 19 were absolutely negative. CCND1 mRNA and protein overexpression was associated with oestrogen receptor (ER) expression by the tumour. Interestingly, lack of ER expression was associated with a decreased CCND1 mRNA signal in non-overexpressed tumours. No association was observed between CCND1 mRNA or protein overexpression and tumour proliferation or other clinico-pathological parameters. Loss of Rb expression was observed in 26 per cent of the tumours. This abnormality was significantly associated with increased mean S-phase (P = 0.017) and decreased CCND1 mRNA expression in non-overexpressed tumours, supporting in vivo the postulated regulatory loop between Rb and CCND1 in vitro. We conclude that CCND1 up-regulation is not associated with increased proliferative activity in breast carcinomas, whereas its expression might be regulated in vivo by hormones and Rb. Loss of Rb expression is significantly associated with an increased proliferation of tumour cells, suggesting an important role in the progression of a subset of breast carcinomas, regardless of CCND1 abnormalities.