Purpose: To evaluate and compare the intraaneurysmal pressure (IAP) after exclusion using two different endovascular grafts.
Methods: Eight mongrel dogs had a 3 x 3 cm polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) aneurysm sewn as an interposition graft of the infrarenal aorta. A pressure transducer implanted into the aneurysm wall permitted continuous electronic IAP monitoring. Four aneurysms were excluded with a transluminally placed endovascular graft made of a PTFE graft and two Palmaz stents (PTFE-EG), three were excluded with a tantalum-Dacron endovascular graft (TD-EG), and one was surgically treated with a standard PTFE graft (PTFE-Surg). The dogs were observed for 18 to 50 days (mean, 37.5 days) and were evaluated after surgery with duplex and spiral computed tomographic scans.
Results: All grafts successfully excluded the aneurysms without perigraft channels or leaks as documented by arteriogram and duplex and computed tomographic scans. The mean IAPs after repair with all PTFE-EGs were significantly lower (p < 0.001) than the mean systemic pressures. In addition, the mean IAP reduction was significantly greater (p < 0.005) in the PTFE-EG group than in the TD-EG group.
Conclusions: Aneurysm exclusion with PTFE-EG significantly lowered IAP, did so significantly better than the TD-EG, and approached the IAP reduction obtained by standard repair. Such pressure reduction is necessary for effective protection against aneurysm rupture.