Type I familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP), or Andrade's disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease, always fatal, involving mixed progressive polyneuropathy associated with systemic amyloid deposits. The disease is secondary to mutations of a gene (located on chromosome 18) which encodes for a serum protein, transthyretin. This variant protein is essentially (> 90%) produced in the liver and constitutes the biological marker of the disease. Many surgical teams have established a liver transplantation program for this non-cirrhotic pathology. Between January and August 1994, we performed three orthotopic liver transplantations (OLT) in patients with FAP. The patients were men aged between 30 and 33 years and the mean duration of symptoms was 3 years. The diagnosis of FAP was confirmed by rectal biopsy and detection of the genetic mutation (PCR analysis). All patients presented a severe sensory, motor and autonomic neuropathy with major digestive and urologic dysfunction. Two other patients were not accepted for OLT because of advanced disease with ulcerous lesions of the inferior limbs and cardiopathy. All patients survived with excellent post-operative hepatic function. One month after OLT, one patient had hepatocellular rejection which responded favorably to steroids. Another patient developed post-transfusional B hepatitis 10 months after the graft, but without major hepatic lesions. In the three cases, we observed stabilization of the peripheral neuropathy and an objective improvement of the autonomic affection (neurogenic bladder, diarrhea). The patients who did not undergo transplantation died within a year. Thus, in patients suffering from familial amyloid polyneuropathy OLT must be performed, especially in the early stage of the disease and especially in young patients before serious neurological complications set in.