The physiological methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) plays a key role in the maintenance of human health and in the prevention of disease. A convenient clinical test for blood SAM does not exist, even though blood SAM is increasingly seen as an important indicator of health. We have developed a simple procedure to extract SAM from small amounts of blood or cells. The extracted SAM is then measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This measurement is sensitive, precise and uses as little as 200 microliters of blood or 0.5-10(6) cultured cells per determination. SAM, as tested with this method, under acidic conditions, is stable for hours and can be frozen for later analysis. The method has been used to show that blood SAM varies with species, sex and treatment. We have also measured the SAM levels in cultured cells, and have been able to detect wide variations depending upon treatments administered during the growth of those cells. In conclusion, this is a very rapid and easy method to measure SAM in biological fluids and cell culture and which could be adapted to the clinical setting.