A comparative study of the gene expression profile in different developmental stages of Schistosoma mansoni has been initiated based on the expressed sequence tag (EST) approach. A total of 1401 ESTs were generated from seven different cDNA libraries constructed from four distinct stages of the parasite life cycle. The libraries were first evaluated for their quality for a large-scale cDNA sequencing program. Most of them were shown to have less than 20% useless clones and more than 50% new genes. The redundancy of each library was also analyzed, showing that one adult worm cDNA library was composed of a small number of highly frequent genes. When comparing ESTs from distinct libraries, we could detect that most genes were present only in a single library, but others were expressed in more than one developmental stage and may represent housekeeping genes in the parasite. When considering only once the genes present in more than one library, a total of 466 unique genes were obtained, corresponding to 427 new S. mansoni genes. From the total of unique genes, 20.2% were identified based on homology with genes from other organisms, 8.3% matched S. mansoni characterized genes and 71.5% represent unknown genes.