The genomic sequence of an actin-related gene in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of this gene shares a 63.9% identity with that of a recently reported conventional actin-encoding gene in C. reinhardtii. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the product of this actin-related gene does not fit into conventional actin or any major actin-related protein categories. The actin-related gene in C. reinhardtii contains seven introns in the coding region and, as described for the conventional actin gene, it contains several sequences similar to the 'tub box' sequence motif in its 5'-upstream region. Southern blot analysis of the gene shows a hybridization pattern different from that of the conventional actin gene, indicating that these genes are distinct from one another. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+RNA shows the messages of the two genes to be very similar in size, yet the message level of the actin-related gene is significantly lower than that of the conventional actin gene.