Solid malignant tumours (n = 263) excluding brain and spinal cord tumours in children up to 14 years of age were studied. Retinoblastoma (27%) constituted the largest group followed by Wilms' tumour (14.1%) and lymphoma (13.7%). Most patients (55%) were of less than 5 years age and maximum incidence of embryonal tumours was found in this age group; other tumours were more frequent in higher age. A male preponderance was noted (male to female ratio as 1.6:1). Amongst lymphoma, 61% were non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and rest were Hodgkin's disease; 2 cases of Burkitt's lymphoma were found. Other notable tumours encountered in the study were embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (n = 14), hepatoblastoma (n = 9), neuroblastoma (n = 7), Ewing's sarcoma (n = 21), osteogenic sarcoma (n = 19) and germ cell tumours (n = 14).