The prevalence of the new flavivirus GB virus C/hepatitis virus G (GBV-C/HGV) in different German populations was investigated by detection of viral genomes and anti-E2 antibodies. While blood donors had an overall prevalence of 10.4% there were increased rates for hemophiliacs (54.7%), hemodialysis patients (30.2%), male homosexuals (30.2%) and intravenous drug users (74.4). Most GBV-C/HGV positive samples were either viral genome positive or antibody positive, exclusively. Samples with the rare constellation "positive for both GBV-C/HGV genome and specific antibody" originated in almost all cases from patients who were additionally infected with HIV or HCV. Probable transmission of GBV-C/HGV by PCR-positive blood transfusions was observed in 5 of 6 cases approximately six months after transfusion.