We analyse EEG data from video-EEG recordings of 24 patients, selected among the 63 with "pure" temporal lobe epilepsy. As to interictal EEG features, 62.5% of patients show a less regular background activity on the affected side, in 70% of patients slow waves are either localised or lobar, while in 58% are spikes. Slow waves and spikes have the same well-defined localisation in 37.5% of the patients. Ictal recordings show an initial EEG pattern with high localising value (low-voltage fast activity, flattening or slow waves interruption) in 74/121 seizures (61%). Five out of these 24 patients were operated on without invasive recordings on the basis of ictal video-EEG data. In the 19 patients left, video-EEG ictal informations were used for the planning of the stereo-EEG exploration.