From 1987, nine types of free skin flap or composite free flap from the food were applied to treat 22 cases of hand injury. These flaps included 1. composite skin flap of pedal dorsum, first toe-web, toe-pulp, and toe dorsums with long extensor tendons of the toes, 2. composite skin flap of the second metatarsophalangeal joint; 3. "wrap around" flap; 4. the first web flap; 5. plantar skin flap of great toe with only the artery and nerve; 6. "wrap around" flap with dorsalis pedis flap; 7. composite dorsalis pedis flap with the second toe; 8. the dorsalis pedis flap with superficial peroneal nerve; and 9. the first web flap with the second metatars. The operative results were satisfactory. The authors discussed indications, merits and demerits of the free flaps of the foot and key points of the operation.