Mutants of an archaeon Halobacterium halobium, resistant to the universal inhibitor of translation, pactamycin, were isolated. Pactamycin resistance correlated with the presence of mutations in the 16 S rRNA gene of H. halobium single rRNA operon. Three types of mutations were found in pactamycin resistant cells, A694G, C795U and C796U (Escherichia coli 16 S rRNA numeration) located distantly in rRNA primary structure but probably neighboring each other in the three-dimensional structure. Pactamycin resistance mutations either overlapped (C795U) or were located in the immediate vicinity of nucleotides protected by the drug in E. coli and H. halobium 16 S rRNA indicating that corresponding rRNA sites might be directly involved in pactamycin binding. Ribosomal functions were not affected significantly either by mutation of C795 (one of the positions protected by the P-site-bound tRNA), or by mutations of A694 and C796 (which neighbor nucleotides protected by tRNA) suggesting that tRNA-dependent protections of C795 and G693 are explained by a conformational change in the ribosome induced by the P-site-bound tRNA. A novel mode of pactamycin action is proposed suggesting that pactamycin restricts structural transitions in 16 S rRNA preventing the ribosome from adopting a functional conformation induced by tRNA binding.
Copyright 1997 Academic Press Limited.